• 8 Videos

  • 1 Quiz

  • 2 Worksheets

  • 4 Files

  • Welcome to the Get It Done! Book Writing E-Course

  • How to get the most out of this course - Navigation

  • How to Get The Most Out of This Course - Advice

  • Watch the Masterclass!

  • Why Are We Doing This?

  • Dealing with Procrastination & Fear

  • Get Over It!

  • Making the Commitment to Yourself

  • Creating Your Writing plan

  • Drafting & Testing Your (Working) Title

  • Generating Your Writing Outline

  • Let's make sure you're ready!

  • What is "The Foundation"?

  • The Tears Are Ok!

  • Tell Your Story

  • Establishing authority & expertise

  • Creating a community of "people like us"

  • Sharing your "why"

  • How did we get here?

  • Introducing: Your Solution or Transformation

  • How will the reader's life be better or different?

  • ....And the solution is: ___

  • Actionable steps are always helpful

  • Make sure the reader gets what they came for

  • Tying it all up with a neat little bow

  • What NOT to do in your conclusion

  • Make sure readers feel satisfied

  • Setting the tone - What can readers expect?

  • Why should you write this last?

  • Now that you're done...CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  • So, what's next?