• 37 Videos

  • 1 Quiz

  • 9 Worksheets

  • 7 Files

  • ACCOUNTABILITY- Grab a copy of the worksheet, so you'll be ready!


  • 06.29.2023 - Unleash the Untold

  • 09.30.2023 - Memoir Mogul

  • 10.21.2023 - The Speaker's Blueprint

  • 11.11.2023 - Memoir Mastery

  • Blog - The Power of "Yes" (and 3 ways to Harness It)

  • Blog - Your WORDS Can Change Your Situation! Check What You Say!

  • Blog - Change HURTS!! (3 Tips for Managing Major Life Changes)

  • What is "Purpose"? Why is it important?

  • Purpose vs Passion: They're NOT the same

  • Do what you love & you'll never work again!

  • It's time to change! Are you Ready?

  • What's in Your Hands? Tapping Into Purpose

  • 3 Questions for Tapping Into Purpose - LIVE [Recording]

  • Getting OUT of the rut you're stuck in

  • Change is Intentional

  • Saying "Yes" To Your Purpose

  • 3 Things You Need to Get Past [LIVE Replay]

  • What To Do When You Feel You Have No Purpose

  • It's Time to Stop Running from Purpose

  • Beating Self-Sabotage

  • Finding Purpose

  • How Do You Know What Your Purpose Is?

  • God Has Equipped You to Walk In Purpose

  • How to Find Your Purpose

  • Choosing God's Purpose, Not Yours

  • Giving Up Control to God

  • How to Come Into Agreement with God's Purpose

  • Adopting a Willingness to Change

  • E-Book: How to Get Past Fear & Become Who You’re Created to Be

  • Dealing with Procrastination & Fear

  • Get Over It!

  • Making the Commitment to Yourself

  • Brainstorming Worksheet

  • Fillable Book Outline Template

  • Writing Prep Checklist

  • Get It Done Masterclass Notes

  • Day 1 REPLAY

  • Day 2 REPLAY - Q&A and Working Session