What if there was a way to connect what you love to do and what you're paid to do? What if I told you that you have everything you need, right now, to find happiness and satisfaction in your life and work? What if, by the end of one course, you could be clearer about your life's calling, motivated to change, and taking your first steps on the path to real happiness and success?

This course is going to each you how to

  • Escape the toxic environments that are sucking the life out of you
  • Stop "floundering" between success and failure
  • Ditch your lack of motivation and tap into what makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning
  • Connect to your life's purpose and start living the life you were created to live

In this course, I'll show you the 4 areas of your life that determine your overall happiness and satisfaction, I'll tell you how to address each area and make the proper adjustments, so you can start making small, but effective changes right away, and I'll explain the process I personally used to align my work and my passions to produce a life I absolutely LOVE.

This course will change your life!

Course Synopsis:

MODULE 1: Introduction - This Course Will Change Your Life

MODULE 2: Do What You Love (& Never Work Again)

MODULE 3: You're Destined to Change to the World

MODULE 4: The 4 Questions That Will Change Your Life

MODULE 5: Getting Unstuck, Stop Floundering, Ditch Burnout, & Find Purpose

MODULE 6: Creating Your Alignment Plan

BONUS VAULT: Profiting from Purpose (Yes, it's ok!)

  • 17 Videos

  • 0 Quizzes

  • 13 Worksheets

  • 1 File

  • Welcome to The Purpose Leap!

  • Yes, You're In The Right Place!

  • Preparing For & Creating Life Change

  • What is "Purpose"? Why is it important?

  • Purpose vs Passion: They're NOT the same

  • Do what you love & you'll never work again!

  • You're Stuck and Burned Out

  • You're Unsure of Your Purpose and You're Searching for Meaning


  • Question 1

  • Question 2

  • Question 3

  • Question 4

  • Getting "UNSTUCK"

  • Finding Meaning In Your Life

  • Finding Your Purpose

  • Ditching What's Burning You Out

  • The Key to Your Success

  • E-Book: How to Get Past Fear & Become Who You’re Created to Be