This is it. You've avoided it long enough! It's time to complete this part of your life's assignment. No more procrastination. No more excuses. This is where "getting it done" starts. TODAY.
One of the reasons I was able to finish my book "Your Life's Calling" in 45 days was because I had someone working with me, pushing me to "get the book done." She knew my goal and wouldn't let me punk out or quit. Thanks to her, I did it. I wrote my book in 45 days.
Now, it's my turn to help you! Not only will I be cheering you on, I'll be sharing my expertise to help you Get It Done. You won't be alone, and in a few short weeks, you'll have a finished manuscript in-hand, ready for publishing!
Here's what you can expect:
An 8-week, structured program to help you write your book, start to finish
Weekly instruction and coaching sessions to check in with me, share your progress, and create new content
"Office hours" where you can meet with me privately to discuss challenges, as they arise
Mindset support and encouragement to keep you going
Guidance and resources to help you as you write
The program begins on Tuesday February 8th, and ends on Tuesday, March 29th, 2022.
Weekly group check-ins will be held (online) on Tuesday evenings at 6pm for 1 hour.
Only 5 spaces are available!
That's right. Secure your spot now, so you won't have to worry about missing out later. All you need to do is grab a debit/credit card (or log into paypal) to pay the reservation fee. Checking out is fast and easy.
If you choose to pay just the deposit today, the balance with be automatically charged to your form of payment in 15 days.